Timber Flooring Christchurch
We specialise in engineered Timber & Laminate floors that are factory
finished and can be easily installed in new and existing homes with the
minimum amount of fuss. These floors are available in a huge variety of
species from the very light to the almost black. We also stock Bamboo
Flooring, this great eco flooring option is very popular both in NZ and around
the world. For a beautiful natural looking floor nothing looks better than
timber and for the best value come and see our team.
The Flooring Warehouse has a range of Bamboo Flooring available in
the Christchurch Store.
Bamboo flooring is becoming increasing popular in new homes and
renovations as it has all the warmth of a natural wood floor but is seen as
an eco-friendly option and a very green product. Bamboo as a product
grows very rapidly and is seen as a renewable resource.
If you want to learn more about our eco flooring options contact our team.